Famous Trails - MD9200
Below are all the different types of Famous Trails. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual
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Famousli SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 10211 Pacific Mesa Blvd Suite 403 San Diego California 92121 Phone 858 558 3400 Fax 858 558 7050 ToU Free 877 97SCO PE www famoustrails com MD9200 Ownei s Manual Volume control EASY ASSEMBLY MD9200 assembly is easy and it requires no special tools The only assembly required is to attach the search coil and lower stem to the upper stem and on to the control box Fresh batteries can then be installed and the detector will be ready for use Please use the following steps for assembly 1 Depress the button on the single stem and push it into the hole on the stem below the control panel Fig A amp B 2 Depress the adjustment button on the lower stem Fig A amp B 3 Push the lower stem into the a ...